JENOX Batteries
The basis of infallible quality of JENOX AKUMULATORY products is a combination of the latest technologies, careful selection of only the best raw materials and maintaining high production standards. Technological advancement of JENOX includes, among others, applying the CONCAST method (continuous casting) – which is the continuous casting of battery grids in the form of tape, and also CONPAST (continuous pasting) – the method of continuous polishing of two sides of battery grids. JENOX uses the leading technologies of the American company WIRTZ, recommended especially for original equipment batteries. These guarantee high quality and excellent operational performance.
Having been implemented for over 20 years, the policy of company synergistic development, taking into account investments in modern technologies, building a specialized team and consistent improvement of quality of both products and service standards, has allowed us to create the optimal product and services offer, tailored to meet the growing demands of the market.
The automatic assembly line SOVEMA and COS EVOLUTION is a fully automated assembly process for all types of batteries, controlled by short-circuit testers, quality of welded joints, tightness as well as using the latest solutions of various assembly operations (Cast-on-strap, Weltmatic, Heat sealing, Hot-Rod).
• Complete frame
• Improved structure
• Minimum tolerances
• Light grids
• Thin grid
Nepertraukiamo plokštelių padengimo sistema
• Talpa priklauso nuo pastos (aktyviosios masės) kiekio
• Grotelės – aktyviosios masės nešiklis
• Grotelės nulemia plokštės storį ir svorį
• Naudojami padengimo įtaisai:
a) su medžiaginiu diržu – Cloth Belts
b) su plieniniu diržu – Steel Belt
c) be diržo – Orifi ce paster (dvipusis padengimas ir tiksli padengimo kontrolė)
Nepertraukiamo plokštelių padengimo sistema
• Talpa priklauso nuo pastos (aktyviosios masės) kiekio
• Grotelės – aktyviosios masės nešiklis
• Grotelės nulemia plokštės storį ir svorį
• Naudojami padengimo įtaisai:
a) su medžiaginiu diržu – Cloth Belts
b) su plieniniu diržu – Steel Belt
c) be diržo – Orifi ce paster (dvipusis padengimas ir tiksli padengimo kontrolė)